D.I.P. Outreach Ministry- Violence & Hunger Prevention

Divine Intervention & Prevention Outreach is committed to stopping abuse and eradicating hunger within our community. We hold the belief that everyone deserves a life free from violence and food insecurity. Our outreach initiatives offer support, education, and essential resources to those in need. Stand with us in our mission to foster a safer and more just world for everyone.


A not for profit 501C (3) grassroots organization ; working in Florida for approximately eight years educating men, women, children, and communities on ways to intervene & prevent abuse.
Core Objective: Raise funds and awareness to prevent domestic violence & hunger.
Our Mission: "Changing Lives for some, saving lives for others. While leading both victims and offenders to a place of healing & restoring by their own choice we use the living word of God as our source."

What is Domestic violence ? It is the establishment of control and fear in a relationship through physical, sexual, emotional, and/or financial abuse. Many men & women choose to stay in abusive relationships because they do not want their relationship to end, just the violence. They often remain in, or return to, abusive relationships because their partners threaten to harm them and their loved ones if they attempt to leave. Commonly, women choose to leave when they become convinced that their life is at risk or that their children are in danger.
Domestic violence hurts everyone
It crosses all boundaries of age, race, ethnicity, religion, economic background, physical ability, and sexual orientation. The damage to body and spirit inflicted by domestic violence has been linked to other societal problems such as homelessness, escalated suicide rates, crime, teen pregnancy, premature births, and miscarriages. Males raised in violent homes are more likely to behave violently in their future intimate relationship.
Domestic violence is not just a "family matter". The violence will not stop until men and women come together with a common condemnation of abuse and a promise that our children will learn through our words and actions that violence is never justified.

Forget what hurt you, but never forget what it taught you."
"If you are in an abusive relationship, please call to speak with an advocate.
If you suspect that someone you know is living in an abusive relationship, please let him or her know that you are concerned for their safety and encourage them to contact us." Our services are free and calls are confidential. (904) 438-4347